We Have Over 250,000

Each month, we send subscribers a pack of a new flavor we're working on because we don't just make products for our customers - we make them with our customers.
Here’s What We Got Going On This Month

Strawberry Shortcake
Protein Coffee
Here’s the process to make new products

We Want The Feedback... Seriously

The surveys are your chance to be brutally honest with us… and that’s exactly what we want.
Very Important Questions
Will Be Asked.
Did you love the flavor or did you hate it? Was it too sweet or not enough? How was the texture? The Portal is your way to tell us how you truly feel.

How was the Cookie Flavor?
- Needs a lot more 5%
- Needs a little more 22%
- Just right 42%
- Needs a little less 19%
- Needs a lot less 12%
The R&D team uses a custom scoring metric to make a decision: release as is, adjust the recipe, or scrap it.
We Want to Hear From You
What type of milk do you use with your oats?
So Yeah, It’s A Pretty Good Deal

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